Rungwecebus kipunji (Kipunji) is a species of Old-World monkey that lives in the highland forests of Tanzania. The species is categorized by IUCN as endangered species. It is found in Ndundulu Forest Reserve, Mount Rungwe, and Kitulo National Park. The two forest reserves (Mt. Rungwe and Ndunduru forest reserves are highly degraded and fragmentation threatens the split of the population into three smaller populations. To date, there is limited information on the population status, and vegetation dynamism.
With the funding from RUFFORD foundation,ECOWICE conducted a study to provide the population estimates that helped to indicate how many groups of Rungwecebus Kipunji are in the forest. We managed to indicate the common threats that included hunting which was the case in the Western side of the mountains and several hunting of other ungulates.
The project also helped to indicate deforestation patterns in the past years, where a high rate of deforestation has been observed between 2014 and 2019 compared to the past 2000 up to 2013.
In order to reduce these threats, the project has shared the results with decision-makers to develop various intervention strategies that include awareness-raising, livelihood, and tenure issues. We have started to provide education to primary and secondary school children on the necessity of protecting the forest and gave them the opportunity to visit the forest. In the next phase of the project, expects to add more efforts working with students and night cinema projects and support community livelihood.