Today we celebrated world ranger day with the village natural resource committee of Mkata village. This committee is responsible for managing and protecting the village forest reserve, a wildlife dispersal area, and the corridor of Mikumi national park. We have conducted a focus group discussion to determine various issues they face in protection and management activities.Today we celebrated world ranger day with the village natural resource committee of Mkata village. This committee is responsible for managing and protecting the village forest reserve, a wildlife dispersal area, and the corridor of Mikumi national park. We have conducted a focus group discussion...

World environmental day 2021; Ready to restore Mikumi wildlife corridors and dispersal areas
On world environmental day and the launching of the UN decade for ecological restoration, we collected tree seeds for restoring the wildlife corridor and dispersal area of Mikumi national park. The area has been degraded by the local community who cut trees to produce charcoal for income generation. The collected seeds have been handled by a community conservation group that will grow them into seedlings. We really appreciate all volunteers who have attended and our partner, society for ecological restoration.

Join us on the World Environmental dayBy showing our contribution to the UN Decade of ecological restoration, We are going to collect seeds for native trees in the degraded wildlife dispersal area and corridor Mikumi national park. We shall walk in the forest while identifying trees and collecting their seeds. In the end, we shall handle the seeds to the community conservation group for processing and turning them into seedlings.Join us through:

Community Conservation Bank for sustainable income
Community Conservation Bank for sustainable incomeCommunity Conservation Bank(COCOBA) helps the community to solve their economic challenges while conserving wildlife and their environment. ECOWICE support the community adjacent Mikumi national park to earn sustainable income from environmental friendly income generating activities through long lasting community savings and banking loans model.

African savannah elephants are now endangered
African savanna elephants are now endangered After some years of being treated as vulnerable, African savanna elephants are now listed as endangered in IUCN red list while forest elephants are now critically endangered. IUCN report shows African savanna elephants has decreased by 60% in the last 50 years while forest elephants have declined by 85% in 31 years. Despite several actions that have been done, poaching and habitat loss are still major drivers for population decline. ECOWICE will proceed with all actions that help to restore the elephant population and its habitat. For more information read the IUCN report

Mkata villagers trained for making organic pesticides
Organic pesticide increase crop yield without damaging the environmentFor a time, farmers in Mkata village have been using chemical pesticides to control pests. As a result, many insects, soil organisms and birds have been killed which is a threat to Mikumi ecosystem.Organic pesticides from plants control pests without killing organisms and increase crop yield.ECOWICE conducted training to 40 sesame farmers in three subvillages of Mkata village.Farmers were trained to adopt approaches for making organic pesticides using plants such as neem and chilli.By using organic pesticides, farmers will be able to earn more harvests and reduce conflicts with elephants

Communities Adjacent Mikumi National Park Enhanced to Farm Sesame crop to adapt elephant crop raiding
Many farmers in Mkata village get low to no harvests from their farms due to crop raiding by elephants. This has left them in serious poverty and food insecurity that drive them to turn into forest as their last hope. There is an increasing rate of charcoal production, where many farmers have turned into charcoal producers. There are also tens of hectors of trees that are lost for unsustainable agriculture. If we allow this to continue wildlife routes will be lost and people’s life will be insecure. ECOWICE help the community to adapt and mitigate the situation through environmental friendly...

Capacity building training on Marketing skills and financial management
The training was done in two villages of Kwamsisi and Pozo . Participants were enhanced to develop various marketing strategies, develop marketing plan and financial management skills. This will help to ensure sustainable income generation and hence abandon destructive activities
Postponement of our field activities due to the emergency of COVID 19
Due to the current spreading of the pandemic covid 19 which is rapidly affecting many places in the world. We are postponing our field activities until when the government announce resumption