As the world is currently experiencing the emergency due to the outbreak of COVID-19, It time to think about how this will affect our habits toward nature. The outbreak of covid-19 is the outcome of us being close to nature, as we disturb the ecosystem we might become the reservoir of dangerous pathogens such as corona virus. It’s time now to stop destructive activities toward nature! Stop poaching! Stop wildlife consumption!
Tree cutting for farmland expansion is threatening Tanzania’s natural forests. Due to lack of knowledge on using manure and fertilizers, farmer normally seek virgin land that is believed to be more productive. As a result they end up clearing natural forests. Let us together support farmers in getting environmental friendly productive means.
Livestock grazing along and inside protected areas is one of the major threat as it mostly results to habitat loss and degradation. Strong and immediate interventions are needed in order to reduce this especially in highly threatened areas like Saadani National Park.

Chinese ‘Queen of Ivory’ jailed for 15 years in Tanzania
Mushroom project for sustainable forest conservation
ECOWICE have established mushroom project to support community in obtaining alternative source of food and income. The project involved raising environmental awareness, training on mushroom farming and spawns production, support for mushroom production infrastructures and equipments, processing, packaging and marketing. The project will be conducted in 5 districts of Morogoro, Maswa, Handeni,Babati and Karatu whereby 250 households (1500 people) will be benefited.

Mushroom farming and Beekeeping as alternative income generating activities
ECOWICE is currently supporting communities to have alternative means of generating income and food rather than depending on forest and wildlife resources. The project will involve awareness raising on forest conservation and promotion of alternative means generating income activities, including beekeeping and mushroom farming in Maswa, Handeni, Babati, Karatu and Ludewa districts

Beekeeping training-Saadani National Park
In most cases the communities adjacent Saadani National park engages on activities that contribute to forest degradation. They cut trees for making charcoal (and sell along the highway), fuel wood and building poles. ECOWICE conducted training on modern beekeeping as the alternative source of income.

Promotion of eco-agri-food systems- Uluguru mountains Nature reserve
For sustainable conservation, it is important to have a proper linkage between food, agriculture and ecological systems. Community must produce food through agricultural systems while ensuring that ecological processes are conserved. ECOWICE conducted training to enhance the community of Magadu village to reduce farmland expansion toward the Uluguru mountains nature reserve. They were also trained on mushroom farming that use small area and have high nutritional value.

In Tanzania you can make money by collecting plastic waste; These plastic waste are ready to be sold for recycling. The business for plastic bottles and hard plastic materials is currently growing that has become one of the source of income to Tanzanians especially those living in urban