Conservation of Uluguru mountains nature reserve

Uluguru Mountains Nature Reserve is located at about 200 km West of Dar es Salaam City, and lies South of Morogoro town in Morogoro region. The forest form one of the component blocks of the Eastern Arc Mountains forests. It has vegetation cover that harbor endemic flora and fauna and considered as a globally important ecoregion and an endemic bird area. Also the forest is potential as one of the major source of water to Morogoro Municipal and Dar es Salaam city (the largest city in Tanzania) with more than 4 million people.

The population growth, climate change coupled with human behavioral changes on economic developments has severely affected the drainage systems and the biota of the forests. People are collecting fuel wood, timber, charcoal and medicines that sustain people from Morogoro to Dar es salaam. People have been clearing forests for farms and gardens hence dwindling the opportunity that was expected to be offered by the forests. We “ECOWICE” have worked intensively to assess the destructions taking place in the area, derived the sources for the destruction, and we are trying to support adjacent communities by raising conservation awareness by introducing non forest destructive economic activities that will sustain these communities from relying much on the forest products. These includes introduction of bee keeping projects and mushroom farming.Through, this we have been able to establish the brand “SAVE WILD” on honey and mushrooms.

We are still struggling to solve the problem from charcoal and timber as these demands are city driven. We are still asking more people to join us in this endeavor as it is the most important step towards restoring this ecosystem.


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